Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 91: Marinating

I'll be running 9 miles tomorrow so today was a day of rest. Regardless, I wrote for 8 hours straight, on several different topics. It was a totally frustrating experience though because I felt I had so much to say but just never seemed to be able to get to the point, or to get to just one point, or even a few points that linked.

Every essay I drafted ended with more questions. I trimmed and cut, hacked and deleted. Here it is now 5AM and I have nothing to show for my effort.

That seems commensurate with my ultra-confusing week. I had so many things bubble up in such a short time! Work, family, friends, health, romance - a barrage of conversations that harvested an overwhelming number of new data points. Best to just throw those in a pot and let them marinate!

I wanted so badly to have some clear insights by today so that I could write and get them off my chest; but the truth is, things aren't clear yet. I have opposite and conflicting conclusions. That doesn't make for good story telling. So, I hope I'll be back on again soon but for now, the lid's been returned to the pot and we're still marinating.

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