Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 89: It Isn't Me, It's You

Damn Nike+ piece of crap! Calibration... my ass. I just got back from the gym where I ran 4 relatively easy miles in 47:10. That's an 11:47 mile. Not terribly fast for most people maybe, but fast for me, and I'm proud I schlepped myself down to the gym tonight and I'm proud of my results. I did good. I'm on the right side of the game... My mind is running my body. Silence in the yard!

The thing is, my Nike+ logged the run at 4.34 miles, netting a 10:55 minute mile, which would, if it were true, have been a major new record for me! If I could live in Nike+'s magical universe, I'd be celebrating with flagons of protein shake and handfuls of fish oil capsules. I, however, live very much in reality. I'm a 5'1" tall girl, who apparently, if I had the leg length and corresponding stride of a tall man, would be rocking this sport in ways I just may never. Basically, what I'm realizing is, I need to work harder... to be just as good as someone else who is, as they say, less "vertically challenged." Totally unfair, but those are my apples.

Nike+ told me to "just do it" and she'd calibrate/report accurately on my stride, no matter who I am and what I look like; but that was apparently just marketing because, she doesn't. I'm sorry to say I was premature in my pardons yesterday. The assumption of responsibility was really never mine to bear... So, after further consideration, I've got a mid course correction: It isn't me, it is you!

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