I'm still pretty stiff today but I got to the gym this morning and ran 2 miles. I didn't have to start as slowly as I remember having had to start after I ran my first Half Marathon. That seems good. I'll wait another day or so before I run a longer distance, and then this weekend I'll run maybe 10 miles outdoors. I'm starting to get so excited about the marathon! Happy excited, not scared excited.
I don't suddenly think it will be easy, or that I'll necessarily finish; but I know I'll make it past 10 miles, and hopefully even into Manhattan - for the finish line. The last leg of the marathon is on home turf, Central Park, but it's the hilliest section of the entire course, and so will be the hardest for me. I'll be lucky to be walking at that point. And just when I'll be most likely to see friends along the route, too! Isn't life just like that?
After my quick workout this morning, I spent a good 15 minutes stretching. It felt amazing. I haven't done much stretching since the big run. When it was done I just wanted to jump in the ice bath! I'll have to research that, whether one should stretch first and then go to the ice, or ice and then stretch? Always so much to learn...
Today, there was a guy at the gym with me stretching before he worked out or even warmed up. "Amateur," was all I could think. Should I say something? I didn't. I had the sense he was impressed with himself for having gotten to the gym at all. Let him enjoy his moment.
Now, I've got to go find some potassium! And, oh yeah, the foot hurts again... Not worse than before. The same. I'm just going to have to keep treating it and ignoring it. Awesome.
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