Saturday, August 14, 2010

84: Free Swim

I went swimming today in the pool in my building - freestyle for about 30 minutes of laps. I played with my breathing, every 6 strokes for the first 5 minutes, then every 4, and eventually every 3, alternating sides. I played with my head placement, tucking my chin under, which made me go faster. I adjusted my kicking to a liquid motion, moving my legs the way one would if there were fins attached. I never got bored.

I love that when I'm swimming, I don't get over-heated, or irritated by my own sweat, and that the sun isn't burning my skin as I go. Chlorine exposure and ingestion are definite downsides, but totally tolerable. I grew up spending my summers in an HTH-shocked pool so my tolerance for chlorine is pretty high. And anyway, the level of chlorine is actually pretty low. I wonder if they're using something else.

Mostly, I feel lucky that I have this free pool at my disposal in my building. It may not be big, but it's well maintained and unpopular, so I can get a lane whenever I want (unlike the treadmills which were always occupied). For now, this is a real saving grace. (Puns intended, as always.)

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