Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 146: The Joy of Rest

I'm on a proper day of rest today and I really enjoyed it! Didn't try to get up early to run. Didn't jam anything in before the gym closed at 10PM. I ran 5M yesterday so I just "was" today... and my day of rest today felt well deserved.

Tomorrow I'm going to run 15 miles in the morning. I've been eating protein around the clock, allowing myself an extra Wasa cracker here and there, and have all my supplies ready for tomorrow's event - clean running clothes, gel packs, and electrolyte drinks. Tonight I drank an extra does of protein drink, with fresh strawberries and pineapple blended in, and a teaspoon of fish oil and two tablespoons of acidophilus. The only thing I don't have yet for tomorrow is ice for my tub; but the day's going to be cold tomorrow, and the water from my tap's actually quite cool, so I'm not sure I really need the ice.

In terms of strategy for getting through it, I'm planning to trick myself into believing I'm only doing a 5M run, three times. After each 5M accomplishment, I'll rest for a few minutes. We'll see if that makes it more palatable. I usually go one or three miles at a time but with 15 miles total... hard to keep enthusiasm up if all you can tell yourself after busting your butt for a mile is, "Yay! Only 93% more to go!"

Excited for the challenge tomorrow and hopeful that my recovery won't take quite as long as recovery from 14, when I couldn't walk right for days! Off to get a good night of rest now. Sweet dreams!

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