Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 143: May I Be Athletic ...Ohmmmm

My new nutritionist Jaime hasn't been able to start helping me because I haven't sent my paperwork back. Amazing how I trip myself up. Simplest paperwork in the world and it's basically done. But I'm sitting on it.

Jaime said I need to work on repeating a mantra because I don't seem to understand that I'm an athlete. I'm supposed to say, "I AM AN ATHLETE. I AM A RUNNER," out loud. And gosh darn it, people like me?

I have used affirmations before in meditation and they work. But with meditation it's more about invoking something from the Universe, such as, "May I be well. May I have peace." These statements are really questions, but you state them and let the words flow through your body until they feel comfortable, and you accept them as part of your body. "May I be well," is an expectation of wellness, as much as it is a request. In meditation we call these phrases, "metta," which means "loving kindness" in Pali, an ancient language.

So with a running affirmation, I'm thinking maybe I should apply the same approach. Why spray it if you can say it. "I am an athlete," would then become, "May I be athletic," and "I am a runner," becomes, "May I be a good runner." Takes some of the responsibility off of my shoulders! The Universe needs to step up and do its part or I'm never going to get to the Marathon!

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