Friday, October 29, 2010

8: Hustle & Flow

12 months of hustle, and now, it's just flow. I'm flowing through the days leading up to the marathon, trying to rest, trying not to freak out. I'm also trying not to get sick or fall down a flight of stairs. If you knew how klutzy I am you'd understand that's a real project!

Today a friend asked me if I'm still preparing and I sort of burst back, "Oh no! Not doing a thing! Haven't run since Saturday!" His eyes bugged out. Am I supposed to be running now? Probably. I mean, not long runs but short little ones or something. I've stopped looking at my schedule. I've even stopped entering data into my Training Peaks online training program. Really, none of it matters now. Right? All that crap was just stuff I used to get me to today. And I'm here.

I'm really good at hustle but, truth be told, I prefer flow. Flow is when my creative juices bubble up and I make huge leaps of progress in self-awareness and actualization. I let myself have radical plans. And that's a very good thing.

For example, running was the progeny of flow... I'd just quit a terribly intense job this time last year and I was going home after work to an empty apartment, bored to death. I had no idea what to do with my time. Running stopped the gap.

Right now in this period of flow I'm planning a party, planning my life, and feeling excited about all the things I still have left to experience. I have some ideas about what I'll hustle for next, but I'm not committing to anything yet. I don't need to. Still another week to go with flow... and I'm not done dreaming yet.

1 comment:

  1. I jus dont know where to start. I have been reading your posts for the last 12 months, and now just cannot believe that it is here. I am so proud of you and you are such an inspiration, but you are probably sick of hearing that. So i'll end by saying. have a great time next sunday. I will be rooting for you! looking forward to reading all about it.

