Saturday, October 23, 2010

14: Just Ran the Last 10 Miles...

Running in NYC has become such a racket. When I started all this I said I wanted to train for the marathon with minimal financial investment. I never hired a trainer. I didn't join a gym. I used whatever basic "equipment" I had until I began knowing the difference; and I've managed to buy almost everything new that I've needed since then with at least a 10% discount. So, when I get suckered, like I did today, it really pisses me off.

My 10 mile run this morning was hosted by a club. A friend sent me the invite and what appealed to me was that the route was the same as the last 10 miles of the marathon. The email said that Gatorade, water, gels and bagels would be provided, as well as pacers, for an entrance fee of $40. That sounded steep... but I decided to indulge because I thought experiencing new things would motivate me - a new route, new people, a club, and pacers.

Well, as it turns out I read the email wrong - somehow. There was no water, Gatorade or gels at all. Right before the start I had to go to Starbucks and buy a huge bottle of water to carry with me. Ugh! And then my 12:00-13:00 pacer ran too fast, didn't know the mile markers, and eventually left me in the dust when I burned out around mile 6. (I only held out that long because I was afraid I'd get lost by myself in the Bronx!) Really disappointing experience.

We started after 8AM on East 60th Street and 1st Ave. The run up 1st was so much easier than I'd expected, even going too fast. The incline really wasn't that bad and it was empowering to watch the street numbers climb. I've been running in Central Park so long, anything different is a welcome distraction!

Then the Bronx was un-fun, scary and gross. I was still with my group then and we were marveling at the number of piles of unscooped dog poop and used condoms there were on the sidewalk. Not to mention the hobos and derelicts. Clearly, the City of New York doesn't give a crap about the Bronx. Kind of sad.

Harlem was the most fun. There were lots of ladies out running or walking and each one acknowledged me and offered an encouraging word. My foot was bothering me a lot so I walked from Marcus Garvey Park to 103rd St., just enjoying watching the city wake up.

I hated 5th Avenue below 103rd Street. It felt all uphill and I had to run on the cobble stones then because morning traffic was building. Team in Training was out in force with hydration stations dotting the Park and I was jealous. Their runners looked strong! And there were tons of other runners out too, crawling from crevices in the woodwork! Where have they been all year? My hands were all swollen from not having the proper hydration. I couldn't wait to be done. 3 more miles has never seemed so long.

As I finished through the south end of Central Park I crossed paths with my Saturday morning intenSati group and yelled "I love intenSati!" (And I really do. Can't wait to get back to doing that 3x a week.) I considered putting my ice bath off and joining class for an hour but had plans later that might have been compromised, so I didn't.

I stretched a little and then settled into my ice routine. I don't feel even the slightest bit sore right now. That's probably not the best sign. I suppose I didn't work hard enough. Then again, waking up and burning 900 calories before 10AM isn't too shabby. Tomorrow, though, I am sleeping in...

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