Thursday, October 21, 2010

16: 5M Run in Chicago

Ever since I started this project I've dreamed of running along the Lake in Chicago. I've been here for work or pleasure maybe 5 times this year, but something has always come up - or it's been too cold. Today was the day.

I headed out from the Lincoln Park area around 6PM and went north. The path was paved, but then there was a narrow dirt shoulder alongside the main way that all the other runners seemed to favor, so I stayed over there too. Cushier on the joints, I guess.

The sky to my right was the pale blue color of my teenage bedroom, punctuated by a full white moon hanging out like a cheerful disk of micro-planed scallop. As the sun set, everything above smudged with baby pinks and yellows, a watercolor curtain backdrop for all the pretty sailboats docked and bobbing just off the shore. The path didn't stay right along the shore in many parts but there were "prairie gardens" planted (and dying) along the way to look at, and lots of dogs on leashes. Dogs and flowers are pretty much all I need to keep going across any terrain.

I didn't have a way to track my distance so I just went by time and my sense of things. I ran about 2.5 miles and then turned back to run the same route home. The people watching was great. Serious runners going for speed, novice women, teenagers in pairs, and speed walkers. I got some eye contact, especially from the folks I passed both ways, but of course, as is the runner's code no matter where you go, there was no actual acknowledgment of recognition. I'm doing my thing. You're doing yours. Let's keep going and get home before dark!

On my way back I accidentally turned into the city way too early and got lost. I really do manage to get lost in places where it's nearly impossible to get lost. There must be a subconscious agenda in this. No mind, I just kept running in what I thought was the right direction and eventually I got there...

It was cold outside but I loved that. By the time I got back to the house I'd perspired through my jacket and was very happy to grab a shower, change into sweats, and let my sister and her husband feed me a big bowl of homemade mussel soup. Much better than a powdered protein drink!

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