Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 117: Calle Nada

Not only didn't I run 5 miles yesterday, but I just found out I can't run in the race I'm signed up for this Friday. It was to have been an 8K run through historic Calle Ocho in Miami. I was really excited for it; I've never been to the Old City and my training schedule called for a 5 mile race on this very day, so I thought it was kismet... Guess not.

Work calls. That's what I'll be in South Beach for, after all, so I do have to make it a priority! When I was planning my running schedule, I didn't think I was going to be invited to attend this major event on Friday night, but then a ticket just surfaced, thanks to a new and powerful connection! For a split second I almost declined (running first?) but quickly came to my senses. Turn down a ticket to Bubble-Q on the beach at the Delano? What am I, crazy? It's the party of the season! Emeril's hosting. Everyone will be there. Fuck running. (For a day.)

Of course, missing a race doesn't mean I can't run at all. I think I will have to find a way to squeeze in 5 miles before I go to work in the morning. Otherwise, I'm gonna feel even worse than I do now having missed the 5 mile run yesterday. Plus, I really, really need to burn some calories. I've been eating almost non-stop since I landed in Mexico. No mole has gone un-sampled... no cocktail left to warm...

I've had two coaching friends both tell me not to worry about falling off schedule for a few days. They stress, it's a long distance challenge. Nothing that happens this week is going to damage my chances of completing the NYC Marathon. I know they're right, but I still get so scared because one day off and it's like I forget I ever ran at all. I saw a guy running on the side of the road in Mexico City this morning (which is unusual) and my first thought was, "Why would anyone do that?" Old habits die hard. New habits are hard-won. Especially when there's cheese and tortillas at every turn to distract you.

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