Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 101: No Excuses, Maggots!

Beatrice, who is a genius, just turned me on to an awesome blog about running. Thank you, Bea! Check this out if you want to start running, need credible advice, and can tolerate "tough love": http://doctormama.blogspot.com/2006/05/listen-up-maggots.html

DoctorMama is a blogger who is a doctor, runner, and mother, and gives it to ya straight about why you should be running - "No excuses, maggots!" as she likes to say. I sure wish I'd known about this blog when I started because her FAQ section answers a lot of the silly questions I know I had in the early days, but didn't know whom to ask...

She covers issues like bras, temperature, illness, speed, eating, drinking, and like, um, are you supposed to wear panties while you're running? I personally gave up on that months ago but would never have admitted it to anyone because I thought I was being a freak. Turns out I'm not such a freak after all... at least not in this regard.

Before recommending this site to you, I took the time to really read through it carefully to make sure I was endorsing something that's not only entertaining, but I think would be useful if you are just starting out and have some basic question. I say all the time in my blog, "I don't know what I'm doing! Don't listen to me!" So, here's someone you can listen to. Try DoctorMama. You can even post questions to her and she will post back with answers.

Now, I wouldn't be me if I weren't at least sometimes talking out of both sides of my mouth, so let me also say I think there is some real value in feeling your way around in the dark with running for a while. Yes, ask questions and get help, but don't forget to just notice what you can learn by listening to your body and noticing your thoughts in a detached way. I believe there is a commonality to everyone's experience in running, but it is understanding the subtleties which will will open the door to your enjoying it.

No excuses, maggots! Get off the couch! (Oh gosh, now I'm proselytizing... When did that start to happen? So sorry!)

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