Friday, July 30, 2010

99: Bottles of Beer on the Wall

No beer tonight. I just felt like writing that. I spent the night at the gym. Yep, I'm a rockin' single with zero social life at the moment! Might as well let you know how it really is.

First, I took an hour of ErinSati and it was brutal. Erin was doing some filming of the class so she was extra energized and extra punishing. The room was packed and it got hot quickly. Plus, there were tons of men, which I'm not used to. They are so big and jump so high, and punch with so much power. It made me work harder. Not that the gals (and guys) in my regular class are sissies by any means! But there's something about a 6' tall beefy jock that can be, well, inspiring...

I stopped and drank water 3x during class, which I never do. At the end, Erin said, "Shabbat Shalom!" which I thought was cute. I think if you can't make it to Temple on a Friday night, ErinSati's a fine alternative route to the divine! I happen to have had my Chai (lucky #18 in Hebrew) necklace on tonight, my grandmother's stud earrings from the early 1900s, and my grandfather's watch chain wrapped around my wrist during class. Not sure why, I was feeling like I needed a little extra help from my ancestors today. Who knows, maybe it worked. I wasn't hit by a bus.

After class, I headed up to the treadmills and started on my 4 mile assignment. Since I was at Equinox because of class, I focused on the amenities to cheer myself up. I took a cold, wet eucalyptus towel from a fridge and walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes, to try to calm down from intenSati, and transition mentally to the new task at hand. The air was cool and I could watch whatever TV I wanted. Bliss.

Kind of foolish to have thought I'd be able to pull a proper run off, but I gave a noble effort. The plan was 2 miles, then a walk break, then 2 more miles. But after the first two, my legs were burning from hip to toe, and my right foot was in pain. After 22:43, or 2 miles, I put myself out of misery and packed it in.

I stretched for a long time to try to ease the burning. (I'm still a bit jelly-like as I write this, 2 hours later.) Then I went down into the changing room and took a long, hot shower using all the nice products, then a steam, conditioning my hair, and then another shower. You know if anyone does ask me out for a future Friday night and I want to politely decline, I guess I could say, "Sorry, I have to wash my hair," and that wouldn't be such a lie after all.

I'm beyond exhausted right now. I'm going to bed and for the first night since May, I am not going to set an alarm. Tomorrow is mine for doing absolutely nothing. I don't have to help anyone, or run, or work, or travel. I can just be me, and plotz around, and probably watch four back-to-back episodes of "Mad Men." I might cook. Not because I have to, because I like it. Maybe I'll take the car out and do a run to Target for marginally cheaper household goods and basic clothes. Yes, I buy my clothes at Target. Some of them. Or maybe, I'll buy a puppy. (Just checking to see if you were still reading...)

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