Friday, July 23, 2010

106: 4M Payback and Forward

Still in Louisiana. So hard to tear myself away from all things NOLA to enter the workout room and pay my dues. Did it today with a colleague and just loved running side by side on those treadmills. So much more motivated to keep going when someone you care to impress a little is watching! Also, my iPod is busted and my colleague lent me his. Bless his heart!

I payed my two mile debt back from yesterday and paid two miles forward for tomorrow. Nice! Very pleased with myself. The foot hurt intermittenly in sharp bursts and I just ran through it. I tried kind of stretching the arch out with a deeper step when it hurt but that didn't help. No idea what I'm supposed to do about this issue. Just going to keep going. I don't seem to be making it worse. If I had to run 26.2 miles with it as it is now, I suppose I could. Just pretty unpleasant.

I'm supposed to run 10 miles tomorrow and two Sunday (since I did two extra today); but I'm going to swap the plan so I'm doing my long run at night in New York when I'm back. One isn't in New Orleans every day and I really want to make the most of my time here. There's a WWII museum I'd like to see, a Pimm's Cup to be found, and I can't get enough of walking the music filled streets taking it all in.

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