Sunday, December 20, 2009

Golden Jubilee!

Today is my 50th day of training, so I'm calling it my "Golden Jubilee." Technically, a Golden Jubilee refers to the 50th YEAR of something, not the 50th day, but you've gotta celebrate the bird in your hand, right? (If I'm still running at age 88, don't worry, we're gonna party it up again!) For the curious, because I just Googled it myself, the term Jubilee is actually a Biblical reference, called out in Leviticus 25:9 as the Hebrew word, "Yovel," and refers to the sabbatical year after seven cycles of seven years; so, the Jubilee year is the next year, the 50th year.

Interestingly, in the Bible, the Jubilee is a special year for the remission of sins and universal pardon where debts are forgiven, slaves and prisoners freed, and the mercies of G-d would be particularly manifest. No such luck for the prisoners in my yard!!! Headquarters remained firmly installed in the tower today and the fray were kept neatly in line. In fact, I just ran four amazing miles in 52:23, which beats my time yesterday by 6:07!!!!! I am in shock and so happy!

For the first time since I started this big adventure, I can honestly say, I felt comfortable running. I'm not sure if I could have held a conversation, but I didn't feel lightheaded or like my heart was going to explode out of my chest and splatter against the mirror Tarantino-style. I turned my usual beet red, and sweat poured faster than I could rehydrate, but I ...oh gosh why do I feel strangely disloyal to myself writing this ...I had fun. I didn't hate it today. I loved it! I even wore my new Saucony running shoes - the ones which were giving me bloody hell for days - and they were completely fine. NOW, keep in mind... I wasn't even running today. I didn't make it over a pace of 5.8 mph today; so I was just jogging. If I had been running at a pace of 6 mph or higher, I'm sure I would have hated it.

Back to talking about my Golden Jubilee... To celebrate this exciting 50th day, I have a sparkly new bauble to wear around my neck! As if she'd known today would be an important day worth commemorating, my dear childhood friend and great running role model, Cat, surprised me out of the blue last night with a shiny, amazing present! She gave me a 14k gold charm designed by the ultra-chic and fabulous jeweler, Helen Ficalora. The charm is a round medallion engraved with the number "26.2" - which is, of course, the exact mileage of the Marathon! So personal. So supportive. So unexpected. So needed. Oh lordy, momma, you know how to make a girl cry... "Run, baby, run!" you said, and I promise I will. I'm not going to give up. See you at the Finish Line.

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