Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 32: Appointed Rounds

My free time is short today, and I had to just jam in a quickie of a run this morning. One mile. No warm up. No stretching. All routine and no glory, which produced a completely insight-free experience that's both boring to write about and (I'm sure) even more boring to read about.

I'm actually not feeling well today. I got the H1N1 vaccine at a pop-up kiosk in O'Hare on Monday morning. I've had the seasonal flu vaccine already, and had put myself on every conceivable list for the H1N1 vaccine in NYC - because nothing's going to stop me from training! So, I was thrilled when I stepped off the plane in Chicago and there, at the top of the escalator leading to that psycho-neon-filled under-passage, there was a lady in a 1950s style nurse's uniform offering vaccines of all kinds. All I had to do was establish eligibility and 10 minutes and $22 later, she'd shot my nostrils up with her potion.

Nursey said I wouldn't suffer any side effects - but she lied. And everyone I've talked to since who has also had the H1N1 nasal spray innoculation tells me they too felt the effects I'm feeling. Achy, tired, and my nose is so dry... I can't stop thinking about what might have been in that stuff. Have I just exposed myself to some insidious evil that will manifest itself sometime later in my life? Or am I just reacting to the preservatives - like I always do?

I do know that I'm glad I can rest assured I won't be getting swine flu any time soon. My cousin Emily had it and had to be removed from her university - and quarantined for over a week. I'm in training and can't suffer a setback like that. So, like the postman, neither rain nor snow, nor sleet nor dark of night, nor seasonal flu nor swine flu, shall stay this courier from the swift completion of her appointed rounds! To the Marathon, I go! (And while I'm at it, does anyone need stamps?)

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