Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 54: Fondue

It's Christmas Eve and I'm in the country with extended family. I was supposed to run 2-3 miles today according to the schedule and had built two hours into my day for just this purpose; but then plans got changed, and I had to make a choice - should I go with the flow up here, or put my foot down and insist on getting my personal needs met? Sometimes, it just isn't worth it to assert yourself in a situation like this. I decided I would skip the run, and just find a way to make it happen tomorrow. My weekly mileage requirements won't be compromised if I do that.

I don't mean to imply that my family doesn't care about helping me meet my goals. If I'd made a big deal about it, they probably would have put up with waiting for me. Actually, maybe they wouldn't have. I don't know. Somehow it hasn't sunk in for any of them that I'm really doing this. I mentioned it at Thanksgiving but, to this day, I don't think a single one of them has checked out my blog. Even now I can hear their voices downstairs, through the floorboards, "What's Michelle doing up there?" We talk all the time about every other subject under the sun but, somehow, this is all just too much of a disconnect with what they know about me.

It doesn't matter. I know what I'm doing. This is really a solo mission for me, anyway. I'm the one who has to put the shoes on and move the miles every day. I'm the one who is accountable for the 26.2 miles 10 months from now.

If you aren't going to exercise on a day you were supposed to, it's probably advisable to at least eat modestly... So when it was announced that we were having Swiss fondue for dinner, you can imagine how I felt! Oh no!! But, again, what can you do when you're visiting people? I don't make decisions about the meals here. In fact, the last time I was visiting, as a way of managing the out of control snacking, baking and drinking, (by the way, they're all thin,) I brought the Blue Print Cleanse with me. They're all still laughing about that. I sat there sipping my $50 bottles of designer green juice... while they scarfed down ribs, corn on the cob and cherry pie. (Pretty miserable, admittedly!) Anyway, so tonight I just went with the flow and personally cubed the loaf of white, nutrition-free bread from the grocery store - and then dipped my share of pieces into the creamy, molten fondue. Fondue... no wonder the Swiss never fight! Who needs to fight when you are full of cheese + wine + nutmeg + flour!

Tomorrow is Christmas morning and I'm going to head out for my run first thing when my non-Jewish relatives gather to open their presents. I'll be running outside, which is a bit of a concern since we just had 10" of snow and it's 15 degrees out. I know Santa won't be filling a stocking for me, but I hope he has the decency to bring a little sunshine my way... so I don't freeze my tuchas off!

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