Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 179: Abundance

Tonight was the last night of my intenSati workshop. I knocked myself out during the workout hour and felt totally connected with all the affirmations. I noticed how much stronger I’ve become, and that was exciting. I’m pushing really hard right now to strengthen my body and sharpen my mind, to be awake to myself, and my power. What’s my motivation? Abundance.

The great lessons of intenSati are many, but if I had to boil it down to four key messages, they are 1) to be in touch with your desires, 2) to trust you will receive what you need, 3) to be available “right now” for what you want, and 4) to be open to getting an abundant amount of whatever you want.

It’s interesting stuff because what you realize the minute you’re asked, “Are you available?” is that you aren’t. It’s nearly impossible the first time you hear the question to yell back, “Yes! I am available!” We’re taught (especially women) from an early age that we should never seem available. Not good to look like you are free; someone opportunistic might take advantage. Then there’s also the matter of life's just being incredibly hectic, and the practicality of really needing sometimes to shut newness out as a means of controlling demands and preventing overload. Telegraphing "available" in NYC means literally having opportunities come at you from every taxi driver, cashier and random person in any elevator. Think I'm kidding? I am not.

But being unavailable, the alternative, is death. Sure, you protect yourself from some potential dangers, but you are also closed off to any new possibilities that might arise. Things stay firmly the same. It's a struggle to move ahead in any area. We end up feeling trapped and can't get a grasp on why… (You know what I mean.)

But, if you’re available, that means you're open to letting new things naturally flow in. All you have to do then is stay in touch with your desires, so you can use them as a gauge by which to measure newness and decide what you want to keep, and what you want to toss back. With trust, if there's nothing good coming along for a while, you don't have to be afraid: something amazing is coming your way soon enough; it's coming... so don't stress out and grab at rotten fish! And on the flip side, with trust, you also have the courage to take on something amazing that comes your way that looks different from what you expected; in time, you will figure how how to handle so many opportunities and so much love.

When you get all this down, and practice it for a while, you might start to notice a new kind of joy, and contentment, and confidence building inside you. You might start to wonder, like I do now, is there a quota on good? Is the other shoe going to drop? Or rather, when is the other shoe going to drop?

Well, what if, once you got into a routine with all these new ways of being, the other shoe just simply stopped dropping? What if, when you are truly in touch with what you desire, and trust it's coming to you, and make yourself available, goodness just piles up in towers?

Well that’s what we call abundance. And, if I had to say what the hardest lesson I've had to learn since starting intenSati was, it would be figuring out how to cope with the kind of abundance I've been experiencing. I just made one simple little shift in availability in my life back in November 2009 – I decided to experience running, whatever that was going to actually be like – and from that single open door has flowed more abundance than I could ever have conceived. And now, I don't quite know what to do with it! But I do realize, there could be worse problems than watching your dreams begin to materialize. And I trust, in time, that I will figure out how to handle it all because abundance is my destiny.

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