Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 164: 4M and a New Frontier

I'm proud of myself for getting to the gym today! I ran 4M in 46:31, at an 11:38 pace. Nothing special about that time, but it wasn't easy, so I appreciate myself for doing it in spite of stiffness and chronic boredom. Also, I had to prioritize it over many things I would rather have been doing, as well as chores that desperately needed (and still need!) attention. It really never gets easier. Every day I have to actively choose to put running before the other things I might want.

I was talking with a triathlete friend last night about how she balances it all, and specifically, her social life. She was telling me about the community she's part of and that, after a while, it's just easier to hang out with other athletes because they understand why you aren't drinking, and why you have to go home early. They don't plan parties that start at 9pm on a Saturday night because every runner is doing his long run on Sunday morning.

I feel like making athlete friends is the new frontier for me. That, and appreciating sporting events in a new way. I used to only focus on the "entertainment" aspect of the show. How it all came together... what was done by the organization to retain and recruit fans... the business of it. But now I'm curious about the muscles and the training behind the show. Can I please see footage of the players working out, eating piles of protein, and going to bed early before a game? And what about a list of choices they've made to get them to where they are in life now? And what about hearing from the players how bored they are with their teammates, probably the only people they can socialize with because who else is on the same schedule?

The point is, there's a huge difference between being a sports fan and appreciating the athletic accomplishments that put any particular player on a team. I may never have related to the guy in the Rangers jersey I saw walking around Penn Station after a game, but that doesn't mean I couldn't relate to someone who appreciates athletics, or who is an athlete. There are a lot of places to go with this new found hobby of mine. New personal challenges, but also new people to meet, and fun to experience. Just think, one day I might look forward to going to MSG for something other than the au just sandwich!

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