Monday, November 23, 2009

Day Twenty-Three: Ellipti-cize Me!

I felt completely uninspired this morning. It was pitch black when the alarm rang and I pulled the drapes across to see the twinkling lights of New Jersey across the Hudson. I just wanted to snuggle back down into my perfect, soft nest of a bed. How ever will I get through winter - and keep training? One day at a time, I reminded myself.

A pair of shorts sat on the dresser next to my bed and since they were closest, I pulled them on. Guess I'd be working out in the gym this morning. Not much of a long range training strategy in that... but better than the alternative - rolling over and hitting snooze.

When I got down to the workout room, I was shocked to find it still closed. Apparently, it doesn't open until 6:30 AM. I haven't been in such a long time (4 years?) that I didn't even know they'd changed the hours. My friend (and former colleague) Robin was already there, waiting outside the door for the monitor to let her in. She said it's important to get there early if you want to get one of the two coveted elliptical machines. I hadn't thought of doing anything but the treadmill but, "I break for trends," so suddenly I felt excited - I was going to get in early on something good!

I talked to Robin for about 6 minutes while we pushed and pulled and stepped side-by-side. Then I couldn't talk and ellipti-cize any longer due to reduced oxygen supply, so I turned my iPod up and strained to hear the TV news at the same time, and read the closed captioning... I also kept an eye on the live show across the way; there I was in the mirror, turning redder and wetter with each passing minute. With all that distraction going on I was mostly able to ignore the little girl in the back of the classroom in my head - the one sitting there patientily with her hand up. Will I ever call on her again? Maybe not! But she's going to keep that hand raised, I can tell. She wants to know: "Why are we doing this, again? And when is lunch!?"

After 20 minutes total, on L2, I was drenched and done. I can't say I "get" why people dig this machine the way they do, but I also don't get running so... maybe it just takes time to understand. Robin said eventually I'll need to work out every day. People say that. I hope desperately that they're right. The only thing I need right now is a shower.

Quote of the day: "Don't you dare - stare. You'd better move! Don't ever compare!"


  1. You are a rock star. I love this and the best part is I can hear you in my head telling the stories. I am behind you 100%. go get'em!

  2. Would you believe that I just heard about your blog today from my MOM! I started from the beginning and read all the posts up to today. I am so excited for you and inspired by your taking this on! I know it's not about the blog, but I love your writing and your observations of life so much that I just can't wait to keep reading :)
