Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day Eleven: 3.014% of the way there!

Only 354 days left to get ready for the race. People have started asking me how I will secure a number - will I do the 9-10 pre-races required to qualify beforehand, align with a charity, or take my chances on the lottery? Imagine the irony... that I might actually manage to train all year long, get up to a level of physical condition that would be conducive to running, and then not be allowed to do it!

The truth is, when I started out on this path I didn't even know one had to pre-qualify. I'd heard of the lottery, but I thought that was just for people who didn't want to pay the entrance fee. I'd figured there was always a way in for a well meaning person... such as myself; but "well meaning" doesn't get you very far in an arena like this and for that, I'm very glad - because that's exactly why I'm doing this. I want to be living right in the truth of my credentials.

So what's my plan now? I have no idea. I guess we'll just have to see how I progress; I might not be able to do this after all. Hello, doubts! I mean - look at the situation! Already 3% of my training is behind me and today, my great accomplishment was running all the way to what I've fondly dubbed, "The Stretching Bridge." Why? Because I regularly stop there and kid myself that I need to stretch already. Obviously, I'm just stopping there for a lazy break. I won't tell you were the stretching bridge is because it's embarrassingly close to the start of the path I take. Before today, though, I was never able to run all the way to it without stopping to walk. On my first day out, I actually think I had to stop and walk three times before getting there. So, I've seen progress.

This morning I was in a rush, though, because I have an early morning business meeting. The alarm rang at 5:45 AM... and I started running right from my door - and didn't stop. There was a good song on. I was lost in thought... and suddenly, I realized, I was almost at the stretching bridge. The first 5-10 minutes of my runs are really the hardest to push through, mentally. There's a childlike quality to the hysterical resistance my body exhibits. No! I will not do as you say!! I'm stopping! And you can't make me do otherwise! I'll drop to the ground? I'll go limp! I... can't... hear you! But today, the child inside went where it was told to, kept in motion, got into the routine, as if realizing finally that all independence and autonomy might not actually be at stake. There might be a freedom somewhere inside the security of this structure... Or, maybe there was just a good song on.

New blog feature today: Name That Song! Every day that I run with music, I'll post a quote from a song that has inspired, motivated or amused me in some way while running. You can only play if you promise not to judge my extremely eclectic taste in music. No Googling for the answer! I'm trusting you.

NTS: "Them cars, them hoes, them tricks, they go boom..."

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo proud of you!! You will get into the marathon, just trust me on this one!! I have a plan for you. ;)
    Keep it up girlfriend - you rock the house!
