Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day Twenty-Four: Affirmations in Arkansas

I'm in Arkansas today on business. It's raining here and cold; a run outside wouldn't be prudent. Since I was able to squeeze in a game of night tennis with my colleague Louis last night, I wasn't feeling too bad about having to resort to the hotel gym for my morning churn.

I opted for the stationary bike today - the weight loss course. I just felt like getting the maximum sweat in. The bike was positioned right in front of the TV and on the wall below the TV there was one of those "affirmation" posters you see in offices outside major metropolitan areas... the kind of poster that I think probably inspired a show like, "The Office."

This one was a picture of a woman running in a desert with huge silhouetted mountains in the background and scrappy looking brush in the foreground. The whole thing had been colorized red, presumably for artistic effect. The headline read: PERSISTENCE, and below that, the affirmation: The race doesn't always go to the swift...but to those who keep on running.

Not a bad way to start the day.

I noticed the hotel is offering biscuits and some kind of creamy, white gravy with chunky bits in it for breakfast. This is what they mean when they say biscuits and gravy? So gross! I'd been envisioning it all brown and yummy! I wish there were some egg whites...

Quote of the day: "I didn't eat yesterday. I'm not gonna eat today. And I'm not gonna eat tomorrow. 'Cause I'm gonna be a supermodel!"

1 comment:

  1. Ok now don't diss biscuits and gravy till you try them! They do look a tid bit gross but oh mama yummy! On second thought - never try them. That's at least a 3 mile run!
